Weights are nothing more than a tool. They can help you gain mass, increase speed or add strength when fused with the proper technique and a disciplined training regimen.
Money is very similar in that it is also just a tool that can help you live comfortably, positively impact the lives of others and change future generations if utilized properly.
Similar to how athletic training allows an individual to target specific areas that they want to improve. Financial Strength Training™ is a targeted approach to strengthening financial literacy through behavioral coaching, and other standards set forth by best practices within the financial planning industry designed to improve financial outcomes.
This may look different for each individual, organization or institution we serve depending on the need. We will often incorporate live Financial Strength Training ™ workshops or webinars to build, strengthen and support fundamental financial literacy. Areas where we typically focus include:
+ Cash Flow Management Strategies
+ Investment Management Basics
+ Insurance Planning for Protection
Contact us today to learn how we can support strengthening your organization or institution.
*Estate planning services provided in conjunction with your licensed legal advisor. Tax and/or advice is not offered directly by FSCCO, but through a licensed Certified Public Accountant. John Head is a Registered Representative offering Securities through The O.N. Equity Sales Company, Member FINRA/SIPC. 390 S. Woods Mill Rd. Suite 100 Chesterfield, MO 63017 (314) 323-6521. Investment Advisory Services offered through: O.N. Investment Management Company.
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